Track# 2 : G is for God
From album: G is for God

G is for God
Words and Music by Susan Mack
Arranged by The Solo Committee
Verse 1
A is for always, B is for blessed,
C is for constant as God always is.
D for divine and E for everpresent.
F is for faithful and G is for God.
G is for God who loves one and all.
G is for God who knows great and small.
G is for God the one All-in-all.
G is for goodness and G is for God.
Verse 2
H for harmonious, I for infinite.
J is for joyous as God always is.
K is for kind, and L is for loving.
M for magnificent and G is for God.
Verse 3
N is for noble, O omnipotent.
P is for peaceful as God always is.
Q, R, and S for quiet, restful, still.
T is for truthful and G is for God.
Verse 4
U for understanding, V victorious.
W is for wise as God always is.
X is for excellent, and Y is for ‘yesful’.—Can you say that? YES!
Z is for zestful and G is for God.