Track# 10 : Teach Me to Pray
From album: G is for God
Teach Me to Pray
Words by Sue Loomis, Susan Mack
Music by Carey Loomis
Arranged by The Solo Committee
Dear Lord, teach me to pray,
So I can know you better every day.
Dear Lord, teach me to pray,
So I can see your glory in every way.
Verse 1
Show me your holiness
And how you’re pure and true.
Show me your only-ness
And how I’m one with you.
Verse 2
Show me your presentness,
Your plan for me is here.
Show me your everness,
Your heaven always dear.
Show me your grace and peace
And how they always feed.
Show me who to bless
And how to meet their need
Verse 3
Show me how to forgive
And give unselfishly.
Show me how to live
And love as You love me.