Track# 4 : I Will Pour Out My Spirit
From album: I Am Holding You

I Am Holding You

I Will Pour Out My Spirit

Words and music by Susan Mack
Edited/Arranged by The Solo Committee

Verse 1
Now when the day of Pentecost was come
They were all with one accord in one place.
And each one was filled with the Holy Ghost
And began to speak in tongues.

I will pour out My Spirit
Upon all flesh.
I am the Spirit, the Spirit that quickens,
The Holy Ghost overcoming sin and death.

Verse 2
It was the Spirit that made them speak,
As was prophesied by Joel,
“It will come to pass in the last day,” saith God
“I will pour out my Spirit on them all.”


Verse 3
Then said Peter unto them,
“Repent and be baptized every one,
And you shall receive the gift of the Spirit
For with Christ there is no condemnation.”
